The Monk who sold his Ferrari Robin. S Sharma
I didn't like this best-selling personal development book at all when I first read it.
I thought that the narrator character was flat and just too unenlightened and dumb. I didn't like the dialogue, which seemed rather corny and cliched. And I didn't think there was too much original in the book - a mixture of classics like Covey, Frankl, spirituality, Jeffers, CBT wrapped up in a somewhat silly and unbelievable story.
Then a few years passed and I liked it a lot better the second time I read it. The amazing this is, I still think all my comments above are correct. But maybe we should give Sharma the benefit of the doubt and assume that all the "failings" are deliberate. The narrator is dumb, because we are all dumb in comparison with Julian, the monk of the title. Maybe the fact that it is an eclectic mix of wisdom is a great strength. And the story, though it isn't the greatest ever told,just make it a book you may read for pleasure as well as spiritual enlightenment.
So if you want an easy read which is a more spiritual take on personal development, I'd recommend it - especially if you read it in the right spirit, looking for how it can help you, rather than as a literary critic.
The monk's 7 timeless virtues of enlightened living are:
1.Master Your mind
2.Follow your purpose
3. Practice Kaizen (constant and never-ending improvement)
4.Live with discipline
5.Respect your time
6.Selflessly serve others
7.Embrace the present
Book Review of The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari
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